Screening at the National Gallery of Art
The National Gallery’s screening space in D.C. is a National treasure. The 500 seat theater includes 35 and 16mm projection, in addition to DCP, and they even have a projectionist on staff! These institutions have played an important roll in supporting the work of artists like Jonas Mekas, thanks to the dedicated and tireless work of programmers like Joanna Raczynska who believe film is art.
We filmed the interviews in ‘Fragments of Paradise’ at theaters during the pandemic as an act of support, but several have since closed down, like John Waters beloved Parkway Theatre in Baltimore. He was one of the first interviews and actually set up the shoot for us at the Parkway - a true supporter of indie film! I urge you all to check out the National Gallery’s screenings and do what you can to help protect it’s continued existence. Jonas spent his life creating institutions to support film as art. Now more than ever, we need to uphold that legacy!